Sunday, 20 April 2014

Weekend trip to branston water park

Uneventful trip to branston - boat ran well - still losing a little water from the water pump area - not sure where exactly the leak is coming from.
Had a couple of pints and nice bar meal at the riverside - sky sports available but not advertised . Finished off the night in the blacksmiths arms - nicely refurbished. Got a bit wet on the way back but not too bad. One thing I did notice was the increasing poor attitude of boaters - getting like driving a car atm - what next - boat rage!

Friday, 4 April 2014

Good and bad news

The stainless steel pipe that I had made to connect the pump and the thermostat worked fine with a liberal coverage of gasket sealer. 
Next jobs to do are oil change and fuel filter change , then ready for an Easter cruise.
The reassembly of the water pump and thermostat housing went well. I took the boat for a run and it was fine. On checking the area of the water pump I notice a small amount of moisture coming out of the pump pulley - no more than a drip . I will monitor it but I don't think it will be a major issue as long as I watch the coolant level.